May 2024
The room in question is the Breakfast Room at No.13 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, where Soane and his wife Eliza breakfasted each morning. When lit by candlelight, it is as though one is inside a diamond, with flickering light reflecting from the many mirrors which bejewel the space. Visitors can experience this effect at the monthly Soane Lates or by booking a private Candlelit Tour.
Image credit: Gareth Gardner
Mirrors appear throughout the Museum and are used by Soane to maximise light and to play tricks with space. In the Library-Dining Room, mirrors are located above the bookshelves to give the illusion of rooms beyond. Visitors sometimes ask the Front of House team how to access these spaces!
Image credit: Celia Rogge
Circular convex mirrors are a real Soanean staple. Used by Soane to give people a different perspective on the rooms they are in, these mirrors are placed throughout the Museum and appear as portals to alternative universes.
Image credit: Matt Tidby
They are available in multiple sizes from our Shop, both instore and online. If you share Soane’s penchant for mirrors, why not buy one today?
Unique Venues of London
Henwood House
TN24 8DH